Attros Finn (9)Full unit name: Finn, Attros
Last updated: 18.06.2024 23:08:17
Basic info
First appearance: The Old Republic
The Old Republic
Species: Mirialan
Sentient Species
Gender: Male
Known Facts (23)
The Arrival (3) »
  • Was a member of Jedi Order
  • Used L1 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Yuon Par
    I failed, I failed, I failed. I'm sorry I failed. Once there were two little boys. Their names were Parkanas and... and... something. Why can't I remember?
    It's going to be alright. I'm sure you'll remember eventually. Just relax.
    Yuon Par
    But I have to rememb- Padawan!
    Qyzen Fess
    Have never seen Yuon so, Herald. Not in all years of knowing.
    Yuon Par
    I'm not mad. The man in the shadows is making me this way. He brings the darkness - it's coming!
    The man in the shadows? I don't understand.
    Yuon Par
    Parkanas! Parkanas, where are you?
    Attros Finn
    Yuon! Pharen, please see Yuon back to her room.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Yuon Par, Pharen
Secret Signals (3) »
  • Was a member of Jedi Order
  • Used L1 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    I'm sorry you had to see that. I'm Attros Finn, the researcher here; we must get to work finding a cure.
    Who is "Parkanas"? She keeps talking about someone called "Parkanas." Who is that?
    Attros Finn
    You don't know either? Nevermind. A cure is what Yuon really needs.
    Is Yuon going to be okay?
    Attros Finn
    I wish I could tell you, but Yuon's illness is... it's unlike anything I've ever seen. The problem is that the greatest collection of learning in the galaxy - the Jedi Temple here on Coruscant - has lain in ruins since the war. I believe the answer to curing Yuon is in the archives of the temple ruins. But accessing them won't be easy.
    If it will help Yuon, I'll get us the information.
    Attros Finn
    The wisdom and personalities of the order's greatest Masters were imprinted on these guides, which they called Noetikons.
    Let's find them, then.
    Attros Finn
    Unfortunately, we... don't have the Noetikons, not anymore.
    These Noetikons formed a sort of virtual Jedi Council?
    Attros Finn
    That's exactly it - and I need your help to recover them. The temple ruins were looted; the Noetikons were taken. I have a lead on one of them--but, it's not in friendly hands.
    To help Yuon, we face anyone.
    Attros Finn
    Republic security spotted some Gand scavengers carrying a Noetikon, in the Migrant Merchants' Guild. The Republic brought one of the Gand in for questioning, but he won't talk.
    Being taken in by security must be quite intimidating. Maybe he'll speak to a Jedi.
    Attros Finn
    The Republic officer you want is Alec Efran. He's at the security outpost with the Gand right now. And I'm working on a lead for the second Noetikon. I should have something by the time you get back. Good luck!
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
The Flow of Goods (5) »
  • Was a member of Jedi Order
  • Used L1 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Good, you're back! Did you find it - the first Noetikon?
    I talked to the Noetikon's Masters. They had advice, but no definitive cure.
    Attros Finn
    You actually spoke to them? Amazing. At least we're on the right track.
    How's my master? Is she alright?
    Attros Finn
    Yuon's resting right now; no more outbursts. But the Noetikons are still our best hope.
    I have a solid lead on the second Noetikon. Unfortunately, it's in Black Sun territory. They're a local gang, pretty vicious.
    What would street thugs do with a Jedi artifact?
    Attros Finn
    I'm not sure. This whole situation is odd.
    My sister works at the Silent Sun cantina. She says the Black Sun has turned the cantina's back rooms into some secret warehouse.
    There's shipments going in - my sister saw the Noetikon in one of them. But no shipments are going out again.
    Thank you, Pharen.
    I'll give you directions to the Silent Sun cantina; please, be careful. Those Black Sun gangsters are vicious.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Pharen
  • Defeated Yuon Par
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Ah, there you are! The Noetikons... how is the search going?
    Two of the Noetikons gave me advice. When l find the third, we might have a cure.
    Attros Finn
    I'm glad to hear it. But right now, I need you back at the Embassy. Yuon has taken a turn for the worse. She attacked my assistant Pharen.
    Qyzen Fess
    Yuon is true hunter. Will fight to live.
    Attros Finn
    I've managed to keep her restrained, but I'm worried what will happen if she doesn't calm down.
    Perhaps Yuon will quiet down if I talk to her.
    Attros Finn
    Yes, I was thinking that myself. Come as quick as you can.
    I'm on my way.
    Attros Finn
    Thank you. Please hurry.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
The Coming Darkness (4) »
  • Was a member of Jedi Order
  • Used L1 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Please, Yuon. Calm down. Nobody here wants to hurt you.
    Yuon Par
    Ah, yes, Attros, but the darkness is coming. Maybe I want to hurt you? Yes, I think I'd like to break all your bones. I'd enjoy hearing them go pop, pop, pop.
    What are you doing?
    Yuon Par
    It's nothing. I'm just playing with little Attros here. What's a few broken bones between friends? Want to play?
    I don't want to have to fight you, but you need to step away from Attros and calm down.
    Yuon Par
    Look, Attros! They want to play!
    Qyzen Fess
    Yuon! Is no prey here for you.
    Yuon Par
    What game shall we play, Attros? Shall we cut out their ears first or their eyes?
    Just calm down, please.
    Yuon Par
    Calm down? But we're having so much fun!
    Please, Yuon, it's me. Your Padawan.
    Yuon Par
    My Padawan? I don't have a Padawan. I sent my Padawan to fight the Flesh Raiders, and before the day was done, they dined.
    Do you remember Qyzen? Qyzen, your friend - he was there on Tython, too. He hunted those Flesh Raiders.
    Yuon Par
    Qyzen? Oh no, no. They devoured him, too. Let me show you how!
    Qyzen Fess
    Is so, Yuon. Herald lives, and I.
    Yuon Par
    You? No... it can't be. I'll rip out your throat! Tear you apart!
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Yuon Par
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Restrain her. Now's your chance, Attros.
    Attros Finn
    There... she's restrained.
    Phew. That's more excitement than I care for.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Shadows (3) »
  • Was a member of Jedi Order
  • Used L1 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    That must have been awful. To fight your own Master... I don't know what came over her. One minute she was placid, and then....
    Qyzen Fess
    Is fight for life. Call for help.
    Attros Finn
    It's more imperative than ever that we find the Noetikons. Do you have any leads on the third?
    I need the Noetikon of Secrets. And both the Gand and Black Sun gave me a name: a Justicar called Lars Baddeg.
    Attros Finn
    The Justicars are self-appointed lawmen that police the lower city. Republic security was stretched thin after the attack, so the Justicars took over. Lars Baddeg is one of their leaders, near the top of the Republic's wanted list.
    Thanks for the warning.
    Attros Finn
    Lars Baddeg is known to hole up in the central tower area. Do be careful. I'll take care of Yuon while you're gone.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
Ancient Secrets (5) »
  • Was a member of Jedi Order
  • Used L1 Lightsaber
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    I need to talk to you. I have... bad news. Yuon's illness has begun to affect her body. She's losing strength, fading fast. Are you any closer to finding the last Noetikon?
    I've found it, and the Masters have told me how to find a cure. It's in the ruins of the Jedi Temple.
    Attros Finn
    A cure! At last. Just be warned - the ruins of the temple are crawling with danger. And getting there means passing through the Works; they're not safe either. Be careful, but hurry - I don't know how long Yuon will last.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Attros Finn
    Oh, you're here! Quickly - we're barely detecting a pulse on Yuon. If there was any time to test what you learned in the temple, it's now.
    The Masters taught me well.
    Attros Finn
    Yuon's life is in your hands now.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess
  • Interacted with (dialog)
    Dialog transcript
    Yuon Par
    Padawan- no. No, I was making you a Jedi. What happened? I feel... so much better. But why do you look so weak? What did you do?
    Don't worry about me, Yuon. I'm just glad you're okay. I shielded you from the person who was making you ill, but it took some of my strength.
    Yuon Par
    Thank you, and... I'm sorry. The last thing I remember clearly is... your ceremony on Tython. Oh, my student, I am sorry I wasn't a better Master.
    I wouldn't be the Jedi I am if it weren't for you. I wish you had told me about your condition sooner.
    Yuon Par
    That honors me more than you know. I see now the foolishness of hiding it. Now I am... more myself.
    Qyzen Fess
    You are Yuon Par. Is no other you can be.
    Yuon Par
    I could feel someone else in my mind. Polluting my thoughts... twisting them.
    The plaguemaster. You won't be fully cured until he is defeated. Can you remember any specifics about this person?
    Yuon Par
    I really wish I could give you more details, but my memory of that time is... hazy at best.
    Attros Finn
    Pardon me. The Council wishes to speak with you when you're ready.
    Yuon Par
    Go to the Council - we can speak later.
    Attros Finn
    Thank you again for helping Yuon. And... teaching me a few things as well.
  • Barsen'thor, Qyzen Fess, Yuon Par
Attros Finn was a male Mirialan
Sentient Species
Jedi Order
Galaxy-Wide Organizations
researcher who worked at the Jedi Embassy in the Senate Tower on Coruscant
during the Cold War
The Cold War
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
. He was tasked with caring
The Arrival
Cold War (3653BBY - 3642BBY)
for Master
Jedi Master
Yuon Par
Yuon Par
Supporting Characters
and finding a cure for her illness.


See also
Known for being a member of the following organizations
Jedi Order
Known weaponry & equipment
L1 Lightsaber
All characters this character met
Qyzen Fess
Yuon Par
Complete list

Full unit name: Finn, Attros Last updated: 18.06.2024 23:08:17